I’m really happy with the results. After finishing up a full time job in Brisbane, I gained quite a bit of weight rapidly which I think was due to the change in routine. My blood pressure had started to increase, I had a lot of fluid retention and was starting to get joint aches when carrying anything heavy. Since having the Orbera, I have increased energy and self confidence. Even at my highest weight I was going to the gym 4 – 5 times every week which meant I was super fit but I knew I wasn’t functioning at my maximum capacity.
Towards the end it was worrying me being the most over weight girl at the gym, I was really putting in the effort but not losing any weight and that was really frustrating.
I’ve really felt supported by allied health team, it has been great talking through issues and things where you can identify where you’ve gone wrong in the past and reaffirming those for the future, giving new ideas etc. The actual balloon itself is like a tool, it stops you from being able to consume what you want to because what you want to consume and what you should are different things. It has been fantastic in teaching me about portion control which has really been the key to my weight loss and something I hadn’t realised until the balloon was in place. I’m having it out in May 2011 and looking forward to continuing with my newly developed routines and maintain my weight loss.