Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to lose weight?

Reducing your weight to a comfortable Body Mass Index (BMI) can have powerful effects on your physical and mental health. When we are at a comfortable weight, we feel better about ourselves and are more confident.

Physically, weight loss has been proven to show improvement in conditions such as:

  • Sleep apnea
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Erectile dysfunction

Why choose Thinner You?
Unlike other programs, Thinner You offers more than just weight loss. At Thinner You, we provide the fresh start you need with our FDA-approved non-surgical gastric balloon technique, then help you keep the weight off through guidance from our professional nutritionists and counselors.

Who is Thinner You?
Your Thinner You team consists of experienced medical professionals and support staff who have received in-depth training in the placement of gastric balloons and in the follow-up programs that lead to lasting weight loss.

What is a gastric balloon?
A gastric balloon is a non-surgical and short-term (temporary) weight loss device. A smooth, soft saline-filled (salt water) balloon is placed in your stomach, allowing you to control your portion sizes by filling space in your stomach. By following professional health and wellness advice, you can adopt good healthy eating habits and change your lifestyle so you can lose weight quickly and keep it off long term.

What are the benefits of a gastric balloon ?
The non-surgical gastric balloon technique used at Thinner You weight loss centers is one of the best options available for shedding weight and keeping it off. The benefits of the Thinner You gastric balloon procedure and follow-up program include:

  • No dangerous weight loss surgery
  • No incisions
  • Minimal downtime
  • No expensive meal plans
  • No dangerous diet pills
  • No gym membership
  • Lifestyle and diet coaching
  • Electronic tracking of your progress
  • And more…

How does the balloon work?
The balloon used at Thinner You is an empty silicon pouch that is inserted into your stomach through an endoscopic tube. This process is painless. Once the balloon is in your stomach, it is filled with saline (salt water) to an appropriate size, which partially fills the stomach. While the balloon is in place, you feel full faster so you eat less. Eating less causes weight loss. After six months, your balloon is removed.

How will the balloon help me lose weight?
Once in place, the balloon is filled with saline (salt water) to partially fill the stomach so that you consume smaller portions of food. Most weight is lost in the first three months, but because the balloon stays in for six months, you will learn the right amount of food to eat to achieve lasting weight loss.

Is the balloon safe/What are the risks?
More than 220,000 Orbera balloons have been distributed across 80 countries worldwide. In healthy patients, there is very little risk of complications associated with the gastric balloon. Plus, the physicians performing your balloon procedure are board certified, ensuring you of high medical standards.

What are the possible side effects associated with the gastric balloon?
The presence of the balloon in the stomach may cause nausea or vomiting for a few days after placement. This is not unusual. If the nausea persists, your doctor may prescribe medication to help minimize these potential effects. You should contact your physician immediately if you experience any severe or unusual symptoms. The chance of the balloon leaking in your stomach is extremely low.

Does the balloon work?
With our gastric balloon, patients on average lose three times the weight they would with diet and exercise alone, however, results are not guaranteed and may differ with each person.

How much weight can I lose with the Thinner You program?
That’s up to you! The balloon helps give you a fresh start on weight loss but to achieve the best results, it must be used in conjunction with your personalized diet and exercise program. The amount of weight you lose will depend on how closely you follow your diet and adopt long-term lifestyle changes. Weight loss varies from person to person, but on average, patients lost 3 times the weight of those that were on a diet and exercise program alone. In the US clinical study, patients lost an average of 21.8 lbs.

Will I gain the weight back after the balloon is removed?
If you maintain the diet and exercise regimen that has been created for you, you will maintain your weight loss after the balloon is removed.

What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?
The most widely used measurement for obesity. The BMI is a widely-used obesity measurement that approximates body mass using a mathematical ratio of weight and height [(weight in kg ÷ height in meters) or (weight in pounds ÷ height in inches x 703)]. A BMI of 30 or more is regarded by most health agencies as the threshold for obesity. A BMI of 40 or more generally qualifies as morbid obesity. BMI measurements in body-builders and athletes may not be accurate determinants of obesity because the BMI does not distinguish between muscle and fat.

How much does the program cost?
Our research shows that just one year of participation in one of the nation’s most popular weight loss programs is comparable to the one time cost of an entire Thinner You program.  Because Thinner You knows that everyone approaches weight loss with different goals, different attitudes, and different lifestyles, we don’t offer a one-size-fits-all approach to your weight loss. Instead, Thinner You has 3 unique programs, each with a different level of coaching and tracking. To determine whether Thinner You is your best weight loss option, we invite you to contact us for a free consultation.

How do I get started?
Take the next best step toward a safe, non-surgical, effective weight loss solution by contacting Thinner You at (888) 594-6263.